Perhaps a silly and too basic a question, but I wonder if you have sat and thought about the question: "Where does the ability to love come from?" There is a new film out about Charles Darwin's life and of course his theory of evolution. The theory (and that is all it is!) describes a dog eat dog existence - where only the fittest survive. In all this the theory fails to address the existence of love. I'm thinking about the type of sacrifical love that we see clearly in the life of Jesus Christ. The type of love that on a good day we might manage to emulate. The Bible of course is absolutely clear about the source of love. Dear friends (says John) let us love one another, for love comes from God. And more clearly goes on to say: God is love! In the New Testament there are 3 words for love: Philia (family loyalty) Eros: (physical intimate love) And Agape: (sacrificial, life transforming, Christ like love) All these are gift from God but it is the th...
NO problem - it is good to pray. We have a mighty God who believes in healing both body and soul!
God bless
Thanks for coming onto this blog. Thanks for your comment. It is great that we can share our thoughts - even though we are in distance thousand of miles apart - we are brothers in Christ!
People here in England I think will be surprised that America is having the same problems regarding thinking that people will be offended if we evangelise. We only have to look at the video below with Evangelist Tony at Cerritos College - to see if done well - no one could reasonably be offended.
Keep on keeping on evangelising and bringig souls to Christ our Saviour!