
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Joel Edwards has stated that Christian Hotel owners should not be forced to accept unmarried adults including homosexuals sleeping together in their hotel. I think he has a point and this should not exclude him from standing on Equality and Human Rights Commission. He would very much stand against any unjustified discrimination against gays, as he would against blacks and other minority groups.
Chris Scorah said…
Hi neil - great article,

This is something that annoys me, expecially in my generation as homosexuality is considered a normal thing now and Christians are considered abnormal for thinking otherwise.

One common occurance as you have stated with students is that they think Christians (and God) hate them because they are gay. I try to apologise for the judgement they feel they have received and explain that someone who is a liar, or a theif, a homosexual or murderer, or dishonors his parents etc - in God's eyes the sin is the same. So if we are gonna judge homosexuals so contraversially shouldn't we do the same for me who lied today?

Christians have for 2000 years made a mess of portraying God's word. We need to let people know in love that the act of hojmosexuality is wrong (but no more wrong than other sin), but the person themselves are not evil just because they struggle with it (as another may do with not telling lies) and that God wants to meet them where they are at and tell them he loves them.
Doorman-Priest said…
Good for Dr. Edwards.

Going out on a limb here Chris, but I do not think the Bible says what some Christians think it says on homosexuality.

Happy to defend that theologically.
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