Perhaps a silly and too basic a question, but I wonder if you have sat and thought about the question: "Where does the ability to love come from?" There is a new film out about Charles Darwin's life and of course his theory of evolution. The theory (and that is all it is!) describes a dog eat dog existence - where only the fittest survive. In all this the theory fails to address the existence of love. I'm thinking about the type of sacrifical love that we see clearly in the life of Jesus Christ. The type of love that on a good day we might manage to emulate. The Bible of course is absolutely clear about the source of love. Dear friends (says John) let us love one another, for love comes from God. And more clearly goes on to say: God is love! In the New Testament there are 3 words for love: Philia (family loyalty) Eros: (physical intimate love) And Agape: (sacrificial, life transforming, Christ like love) All these are gift from God but it is the th...
What we don't hear from this conversation is that she had already had a conversation on the phone with the Way of the Master radio program. The Law was shared with her there and the Gospel was presented. Tony the 'Lawman' was doing a follow up from that phone call.
I can't find any fault in the conversation. I think he was spot on in talking about sin, repenting and trusting Christ to save.
Your thoughts?
First thank you for checking this blog out. I am in complete agreement with you in that I think this is very good evangelism! I love the ease that Tony is able to talk to Adriena, the way that Tony's conversation is both gentle yet very direct; not condemning her yet still challenging sin. He explains well that the consequence of sin is death and separation from God (Hell), but the gift of God is eternal life - given to those who put their trust in Jesus. I also love the way that he picks up the context of the listener's life (eg as a nurse you will see lots of death ....)and his analogies (If you say to your Grandma I love you very much but ...) It seems clear to me that Adriena is comfortable and put at ease despite conversing about a difficult subject. I praise God for Tony's wonderful gift of evangelism and pray that Adriena will soon (if not already done so)find the Lord and Saviour that she needs.
God bless,