Evil or Simply an Accidental Clash of Molecules?

"Our minds are so traumatised "

"I was desperate to feel her, smell her, cuddle her."

"Our worlds were shattered when we encountered evil disguised as a caring nurse."

"A part of us died with her."

"It has destroyed me as a man and as a father."

"You thought it was your right to play God with our children's lives."

Today our nation is mourning the great loss of babies whose lives have been taken away by the gratuitous actions of the nurse Lucy Letby. We can't imagine the pain and hurt that mums and dads have gone through as they sat listening to how the lives of their beloved children have been taken away in this way. Our hearts very much go out to them and we wouldn't be human if we didn't feel some of that pain too!

It has been particularly interesting to me that people who would describe themselves as atheists have so  liberally described Lucy as evil. On this I absolutely agree, I can not think of anything more evil than one who has a desire to take control of and play God with a baby's life. It is so right that justice has been done and Lucy will stay in prison for the rest of her life. After that justice will also take place when she meets her maker. The Bible is clear that an unrepentant person who commits evil will be permanently separated from God and go to that place the Bible calls hell. We shouldn't be smug about this though, not least because all the wrongful things we do, all our evil actions permanently separate us from God and outside trusting in the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are all heading in the same direction.

But that word 'evil' is almost being used universally at this time to describe her actions. I stress once again, I think they are right, there simply are no other word to describe such atrocities. I can't help thinking for the atheist who uses these words is having their cake and eating it.  Atheists believe we are nothing but the result of an accidental clash of molecules: this applies to the babies as well as to Lucy.  If that is all that Lucy is then, there are no grounds on which we can call her or anyone evil - she is simply a clash of molecules doing what a clash of molecules do. Evil is a nonsense to the atheist, it simply shouldn't be in their vocabulary. 

Similarly the word love is nonsensical to the atheist.  Both love and evil are only possible if there is someone who has the authority to show us what love and evil are. The only one with such authority is our loving God. 

The good news and the only hope for those who are suffering so much today, as a result of what was an evil act, is the hope which is made certain through our Lord and Savour Jesus Christ. Jesus alone can bring the peace and the hope they need at this time. Jesus who died on the cross and rose again to bring the sure and certain hope of the resurrection for those who trust and believe in him, promises to bring his children home. Hope too is found in the promise of Jesus' return where He will judge all evil and provide that place where evil is no more, a place where their is no more suffering, no more tears, for the old order of things has passed away.

My prayer is that parents, family and friends of these so very much loved babies, as well as those non believers who identified the evil in Lucy and even Lucy herself will turn to Jesus - the One who can bring peace.

Jesus says 'come to me all you who are weary and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.' That word rest denotes a wholeness and peace that passes all understanding. May you truly know that peace today.


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