Neil is an evangelist with a passion for the 'least, the last and the lost'. Prior to this calling, he spent 5 years working for St George's Crypt - a Christian outreach for homeless, drug addicts and alcoholics.
Your Love (Psalm 139)
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Just love this video! Used it at my Rocky Kidz (children afterschool drama group) this year and the children really seemed to connect with God as we performed a beautiful dance to it.
Perhaps a silly and too basic a question, but I wonder if you have sat and thought about the question: "Where does the ability to love come from?" There is a new film out about Charles Darwin's life and of course his theory of evolution. The theory (and that is all it is!) describes a dog eat dog existence - where only the fittest survive. In all this the theory fails to address the existence of love. I'm thinking about the type of sacrifical love that we see clearly in the life of Jesus Christ. The type of love that on a good day we might manage to emulate. The Bible of course is absolutely clear about the source of love. Dear friends (says John) let us love one another, for love comes from God. And more clearly goes on to say: God is love! In the New Testament there are 3 words for love: Philia (family loyalty) Eros: (physical intimate love) And Agape: (sacrificial, life transforming, Christ like love) All these are gift from God but it is the th...
The other day I saw a young girl (about 6 yrs old) wearing a t-shirt that proclaimed: "It's all about me ME ME!" This young girl is a hedonist in the making. Little does she know of the prison she is building for herself. Little does she know of Satan and his cohorts who are all too willing to help her. The basic idea behind hedonistic thought is that pleasure is the only thing that is good for a person. Hedonism can be conjoined with psychological egoism - where people are motivated only by their self interest. Isaiah observed this attitude in Israel: "Let us eat drink (and be merry)" you say, "for tomorrow we die!" How sad that there is a real potential for this child to finish up like this:- All this only reinforces the importance (and high calling!) of children's outreach in the church. It was Bill Wilson of Metro Ministries and founder of Kidz Klub that said: "It iseasier to build boys and girls then to repair men and women" . How...
I found this on Ray Comfort's website. I have been accused by atheists of having a blind faith. I believe there is no more blind a faith than those who put their faith and trust in the theory of evolution. This (now dying!? world view) that humans have evolved from another species of animal has been followed by millions of people without a shred of evidence for many years. I wouldn't want to put anybody down but (light heartedly) I like Ray suggest that the title of the book just about gets it about right!