Man is nothing but ...
Man is nothing but: FAT enough for seven bars of soap IRON enough for one medium size nail SUGAR enough for seven cups of tea LIME enough to whitewash one chicken coup MAGNESIUM enough for one dose of salts PHOSPHOROUS enough to tip 2,200 matches POTASH enough to explode one toy crane SULPHUR enough to rid one dog of fleas (C E M Joad) OR PERHAPS MAN IS SOMETHING MORE THAN THIS .... PERHAPS HE IS SOMEONE WHO CAN EXERCISE FREE WILL! PERHAPS HE IS SOMEONE WHO IS ABLE TO RATIONALISE! PERHAPS HE HAS A SOUL AND A SPIRIT! PERHAPS HE HAS A REASON FOR BEING! The human soul consists of our mind, our free will and our emotions. To say that free will does not exist, that the choices that we make are random, would make the penal system unjust. Why should one be sent to prison for murdering (even a child) if all we are is a combination of physical matter? It would also rob us of any sense of conscience any purpose or meaning of life. Evidence for the soul can be based on experience of ourselves -...