There are churches out there that have no intention of offering salvation to the lost. Many are very inward looking, with an "It's all about us" attitude - "they can come and join us if they want." A church that is not l ivi ng OUTWARD LY is DYING INWARDLY! Church was never meant to be like this -in Acts it was all about the church moving outwards (being sent). God is indeed a sending God - not a 'let's hang around and see what happens' type of God. God sends his Son, Jesus send us and sends the Holy Spirit to motivate us to GO. Our first motivation for mission is of course Jesus command to "GO and make disciples of all nations." It is because Jesus is Lord that we say "Yes ... Here I am ... send me" a nd in fact we should need no other motivation than this. For me though I have a picture in my m ind when I am doing mis sion and sharing God's grace and means of salvation. It looks something like this: Beautiful isn't ...