What about the Downs children who don't get a chance?

"More Down's syndrome babies are being born than before pre-natal screening became widespread, figures show.

The UK saw 749 Down's births in 2006, up from 717 in 1989 when tests came in.

The Down's Syndrome Association surveyed 1,000 parents to find out why they had pressed ahead with a pregnancy despite a positive test result.

A fifth said they had known somebody with Down's, a third cited religious or anti-abortion beliefs and 30% felt life had improved for people with Down's."

So writes the BBC.

In one sense this is encouraging, but isn't it about time that abortion of downs babies is made illegal?

My nephew has Downs and has been a constant inspiration to me and our whole family. He is now at college training to be an actor and has already been involved in film and a number of theatre productions. This week he celebrated his engagement. His life is not without struggles but whose is?


Anonymous said…
Wooh man, you sure like to lay down the laws don't you? Are going to be offering yourself and your wife as adoptive parents of those people who can't cope with having a Downs Syndrome child? Your family came pre-packed and ready to wear and you were happy to get hitched in the 30 something rush to wed. But others may not have the chances you and your nephew have had. Are you on the adoptive register - or are you like many pro-lifers - swift to condemn, but lacking in any real alternative solutions?

But since (looking at your later enteries) you are so good at getting prayers answered (some collegue of yours you prayed for a job for and she got - pity you weren't in the neighborhood when the Jews, gays, disabled & gypsies were being herded into the gas chambers - your power in pray could have saved millions...) you might pray over pregnant women and they wouldn't have a disabled child then... Surely a God of Love can just make sure his children aren't handicapped!

I think not...

Hope to hear in your blog of your adoption of a disabled child. Surely you owe the women you condemn that much - put your money where you mouth is...

I publish your point of view because although some of your views are made in an offensive way, you do have some tough hard and very real questions to answer and I thank you for them.

I personally do not think that my post is being condemning of those who have had an abortion - more so I feel for them because so many mums who choose adoption for any reason finish up with severe (often mental - often physical)health problems as a result of the sense of guilt they feel because of their actions.

Regarding having my name on the adoption register the answer is no but I have I hope been a support for families who have (in the eyes of the world) disabled children.

One of my long time friends has severe cerebral palsy. I remember someone (a church member who should have known better)commenting when he moved up the village: "Ah that's nice, he will be able to watch the cars go by from the window up there." To which his reply was "madam, I am presently doing a phd in computer science - having time to sit and and watch the cars go by would be wonderful!"

You seem to miss my point about children with such as Downs - I believe they have a life that should be celebrated - not sen as so second class that they should be put to death in the mother's womb. So no I don't think God is cruel for allowing my (less-abled???) friends live.

As for the Jews, the homosexuals, gypsies etc I too have a passion for them and in a sense hurt that they had to go through all that they did. Suffering is an impossible subject to cover here, but what I do know is that as Jesus suffered on the cross, he offers salvation to everyone. People can come to a place where there is no more suffering, (where Jesus wipes all the pain and tears away). All because we have a God who chooses to partake in our suffering.

So many thanks for your comments, I feel the pain that you have suffered too (caused in part by a parent?)and would hope and pray that you meet the one who can bring healing to that pain.

God bless


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