Sensing The Passion of Christ
Many of us are very familiar with the story of the last few days of Jesus. But how might our understanding of the cross be enhanced if we literally engaged our senses to think about what Christ has done for us at the cross - 'The Greatest Expression of Love that the world has ever seen!'
On Friday 21st of March (Good Friday) we are holding an event called 'Sensing the Passion of Christ' at Dalton Baptist Church, which will enable us to do exactly that. When I put this event together a few years ago, I was very wary of the need not to have just a 'touchy feely' service and even though we are using our senses - the event gives a direct explanation of the reason that Jesus had to die and makes it clear that a response (repentance and trust and belief in Jesus) is necessary for the forgiveness of our sins.
God has used this event to bring a number of people into a living relationship with him through Jesus Christ. Sensing the Passion of Christ was took place last year during a mission on a tough estate inSheffield . At the end of that evening, two people made a first time commitment to Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and are now regular attendees of their local church and on fire for God.
If you are local you may want to come and join us. I request one thing only: that if you do come - you bring a non Christian friend with you!
On Friday 21st of March (Good Friday) we are holding an event called 'Sensing the Passion of Christ' at Dalton Baptist Church, which will enable us to do exactly that. When I put this event together a few years ago, I was very wary of the need not to have just a 'touchy feely' service and even though we are using our senses - the event gives a direct explanation of the reason that Jesus had to die and makes it clear that a response (repentance and trust and belief in Jesus) is necessary for the forgiveness of our sins.
God has used this event to bring a number of people into a living relationship with him through Jesus Christ. Sensing the Passion of Christ was took place last year during a mission on a tough estate in
If you are local you may want to come and join us. I request one thing only: that if you do come - you bring a non Christian friend with you!
My friend did something similar, he asked his friends around to his house for a movie night and some drinks. He showed the passion of the Christ. Then he stood up in front of 10 people who weren't Christians (bare in mind he was a teenager) and said "right guys, this is the deal" and then explained the meaning of the gospel to them. How brave! and God has sicne used this as some 1 or 2 have become Christians thought it, and anothers still through respect of what he done, ask to meet him for coffee to talk some more.
So great idea mate and I pray God will bless it. Thanks for your encourgament on my blog, I will indeed drop him a line someday soon!