
I had a conversation with a friend today who told me of a relation who is suffering from mental health issues. He believes that a major reason for this is because she has earlier in her life had an abortion.

I do not wish to condemn anyone who for what ever reason has had an abortion, the guilt and suffering that those people go through must be horrendous and certainly healing can take place only through Jesus Christ (see video on my blog dated January 4th below). We in Britain can however condemn the system that allows abortion so freely!

As I understand, according to British Law, the legal grounds for abortion are:
(1) A risk of the pregnant woman loosing their life
(2) A risk of permanent 'grave' physical harm to the pregnant woman
(3) A risk of mental health to the pregnant woman if the pregnancy goes to full term
(4) A risk of serious handicap (mental or physical) to the baby

Never the less, the Christian Medical Fellowship report 'Higher rates of major depression, suicidal ideation, illicit drug dependence, and overall mental health problems' for those who have gone through with abortion.

Why then have the number of abortions risen so dramatically over the last 40 years? In 40 years in Great Britain there has been no less than 6.7 MILLION abortions! Last year alone the figure touched 200,000. Even David Steel who led the campaign to legalise abortions admits that abortion is now being used as a form of contraception in th UK.

(I was going to publish an horrific picture of a 24 week old aborted baby with this post, but I decided that it was too disturbing to view: instead I have downloaded a scan of a living 24 week old baby.)

In God's name: Isn't it time that this genocide was brought to an end?


Chris Scorah said…
I can not condemn a woman for taking an abortion because I will never be in a position where I have to consider one as I am not a woman!

However, in my own view I just can not see how abortion is ever right. And so in this light I once read that if we are going to be pro-life or anti-abortion we had better be prepared to adopt some babies and help some single mothers (otherwise we are just hypocrites)
I just do not want to play the part of God and decide who lives and who dies. I think that all should live to the glory of God and for His good pleasure!
Doorman-Priest said…
Hello Neighbour.

Like you I am reluctant to condemn. I've never been there so I can not know the pressures. Therefore I can not claim to be anti abortion, but I am uncomfortable at the ease with which it is available. We might just as well be a country with abortion on demand.

In my view the explosion of abortions here is due to a far too liberal an interpretation of clause no. 3: the mental health clause. It is interpreted today in ways never intended by the original legislators.

I am liberal enough to accept the other clauses. I could never say it was wrong under all circumstances.
Doorman-Priest said…
Just re-read your profile. I used to be a member of St. George's and the daughters still go there.

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