Confessing 'Jesus is Lord'
"If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9 What does it mean to confess that Jesus is Lord? Surely in declaring Jesus as your Lord you are submitting your life into His hands. You are saying that you will do anything that Jesus asks. You are asking Jesus to rule, to reign over EVERY aspect of your life. It means that you have decided to follow Jesus in ALL of his ways . Such a confession means that you repent of (turn away from) all the stuff that you have been doing that God's Word declares you shouldn't do. It means that you have chosen to be 'Holy' - set apart from all worldy acts and values and desires. When we confess 'Jesus is Lord' we are acknowledgeing our wrong doing before Him and asking Him by the power of the Holy Spirit to change us. Some of that change takes a life time (that is sanctification) but the desire...