
Showing posts from February, 2008

Sensing The Passion of Christ

Many of us are very familiar with the story of the last few days of Jesus. But how might our understanding of the cross be enhanced if we literally engaged our senses to think about what Christ has done for us at the cross - 'The Greatest Expression of Love that the world has ever seen!' On Friday 21st of March (Good Friday) we are holding an event called 'Sensing the Passion of Christ' at Dalton Baptist Church, which will enable us to do exactly that. When I put this event together a few years ago, I was very wary of the need not to have just a 'touchy feely' service and even though we are using our senses - the event gives a direct explanation of the reason that Jesus had to die and makes it clear that a response (repentance and trust and belief in Jesus) is necessary for the forgiveness of our sins. God has used this event to bring a number of people into a living relationship with him through Jesus Christ. Sensing the Passion of Christ was took place last y...

Narnia Holiday Club

I am busy putting together an Easter children's holiday club based on CS Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. Building on the work and connections we have made at Upper Whitley Infant and Junior school, in Grange Moor Huddersfield, we hope that a good number of children will come to know the deep meaning and good news of Easter as we think about Aslan, but also about the real King who came to set us free from the consequence of our sin. The two day event will have two themes: (1) Slave to Turkish Delight (2) Freed by the King. We will have games, craft and teaching based on these themes. We are very encouraged about the the school's involvement, in that they are allowing us to watch the whole of the film in class, allowing a promotional colouring competition, and an Aslan themed assembly. I for one am getting really excited about this and believe great things can happen through the message we give and the connections we make. I would value your prayers!!!


I had a conversation with a friend today who told me of a relation who is suffering from mental health issues. He believes that a major reason for this is because she has earlier in her life had an abortion. I do not wish to condemn anyone who for what ever reason has had an abortion, the guilt and suffering that those people go through must be horrendous and certainly healing can take place only through Jesus Christ (see video on my blog dated January 4th below). We in Britain can however condemn the system that allows abortion so freely! As I understand, according to British Law, the legal grounds for abortion are: (1) A risk of the pregnant woman loosing their life (2) A risk of permanent 'grave' physical harm to the pregnant woman (3) A risk of mental health to the pregnant woman if the pregnancy goes to full term (4) A risk of serious handicap (mental or physical) to the baby Never the less, the Christian Medical Fellowship report 'Higher rates of major depression ...