God does not believe in evolution!

'For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth.'

These words are from the Ten Commandments. They are spoken by no other than:


Some people argue that when the claim that God made the earth in six days appears in the Genesis account of creation that part of the Bible is poetry or myth. But when God uttered these words was he telling the literal truth or simply being poetic? If the latter we must conclude that God either had a mix up of genre or we must also accept that the Ten Commandments are also nothing but poetry. For me this certainly suggests evidence for any Bible believing Christian to believe that God does not believe in the theory of (ape becoming man) evolution!


00 said…

Neil, I had NEVER thought about this before! While I do believe in a literal six day creation as described in Genesis, I never really knew how to "counter" those who simply think of it as a non-literal poem....but your point makes TOTAL SENSE! It's brilliant!!! Thanks so much for sharing it :-)

Thanks for your supportive comments. Of course there will still be those who will still argue back on this point. I am having this discussion on Doorman Priests blog - but as we know he can be quite bruising and often patronising.

God bless

Doorman-Priest said…
On the other hand........ pop over to my place for the ramblings of a non O.T scholar who can't bring himself to accept it all as literal and who is trying to make sense of the alternatives.

Because there are alternatives.
Doorman-Priest said…
With humble apologies for the bruising and patronising bits.
Apologies accepted and if I have wrongly offended: reciprocated.


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